ECONOMIC IMPACTSBeing able to demonstrate the economic and tax benefits of your investment projects or ongoing activities is critical to ensuring host community support. E&B DATA uses its extensive expertise to produce economic impact studies that help you showcase the economic, fiscal, and regional contributions of your activities and investments. Our know-how helps you deliver your message to a variety of audiences. E&B DATA employs intersectoral modelling (based on input-output tables) to measure the economic benefits of your projects, using both macroeconomic analyses (economic context, opportunities, trends) and high precision microeconomic analyses (supplier pool geolocation, economic impact regionalization, local labour market assessment) to put projects into perspective, allowing for a complete, refined analysis of provincial, regional, and industrial aspects. Based on a rigorous, pedagogic approach, our economic impact studies are a valuable tool in the realization of your projects. E&B DATA economic impact studies have directly contributed to the success of negotiations with federal and provincial governments in Canada and abroad, as well as several billion dollars in investment projects. Examples of our studies: click to open
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Our most recent clients for economic impacts studies: For further details or for more information on our products and services, please contact us. |