Classification – CAPEX




The CAPEX-online© database classifies projects by primary activity (NAICS), cluster and physical facility type. The database employs both the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and a classification system established by E&B DATA..

A classification based on the facility’s primary activity…


NAICS classifications, commonly used in official statistics, reflect the facility’s primary activity. However, this classification fails to consider the industry the activity is related to. For example, under the NAICS system, a research centre specialized in forest products would be categorized as 541710—Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering and Life Sciences, but this designation ignores the related industry of forest products.

… And the activity’s related industry.


Cluster classification reflects the company or project’s affiliation, regardless of the specific project activity. That means the research centre mentioned above would also be included in the forest products industry. Note that projects are grouped first by cluster and then by industry, listed below.


Industrial Cluster Industry
Agri-Food Agri-Food
High Tech and Machinery Machinery Manufacturing
IT and Telecommunications
Medical Equipment
Transportation Materials Aerospace
Rolling Stock
Natural Resources and Energy Energy
Mining / Metal and Mineral Processing
Forest Products
Metal Products
Oil and Gas and Derived Chemicals
Other Manufacturing Construction Materials and Services
Yam / Textile / Clothing
Plastic / Rubber Products
Other Chemicals
Cosmetics and Toiletries
Services Wholesale / Retail
Transportation / Warehouse / Logistics
Finance / Insurance
Accomodation / Food Services
Entertainment / Recreation